As an insurance agent I hear so many people talking about how stressed their lives are and how big a hurry they always face. One thing that I have heard people ask is “can lowering my stress help my health?” In today’s busy and hurried world we tend to be reluctant to slow down and take a few minutes to just take a breath. Here at The Hoffman Agency we are interested in more than selling you the insurance coverage that you need and deserve. We also like to make sure our customers are living healthy and balanced lives.

One of the most productive ways to de-stress and balance your life is exercise. This can be done in several ways. You can run, walk, jog, dance or swim but the important thing is just to get moving. We spend so much time in our lives in front of computers and at desks that any amount activity can improve your mood and your health.

Getting enough rest is also essential. On average an individual over the age of 18 and under the age of 65 needs approximately 7.5 hours of sleep each night. This is hard to do especially with the ever connected/ever working world in which we live. A simple step to take involves disconnecting for a few hours. This means shut off the devices and let answering machines or call services get the calls until it is time to start a new day. Of course, if you are in emergency or healthcare positions this can be difficult to do all the time, but you should try to do so whenever possible.

Go to your doctor and dentist regularly, your health is important and must never be overlooked no matter how busy life is. Eat a good balanced diet that is suitable to your activity level and health issues. This is another area to discuss with your healthcare provider. They will likely be able to help identify a diet that is both tasty and healthy – and yes, a healthy meal should be tasty. Food that is less than desirable will simply end up encouraging you to start eating poorly once more.

Lastly, have some fun. This is absolutely essential. Hobbies and other pleasurable pastimes such as reading a good book, painting, drawing or any other creative endeavor is a great way to gain balance in your life. Work and play kept in balance helps to make life more fulfilling and helps you be better at what you do for your livelihood. I am no doctor but believe me that these are proven principles to a happy, healthy life, and you richly deserve the best that this life has to offer.

Take the time to enjoy life and take care of yourself and your family. You will quickly find that in doing so you can both lower your stress and increase your overall health. Whether or not you stop in and see us at The Hoffman Agency we hope that you find that enjoyment in life that makes it all worthwhile.